Mirroring Post-Processing

This video shows the post-processing techniques used to create the photo "Spiral Eyes". I used both Lightroom and Photoshop. I talk about dodging and burning in Lightroom, adding an overlay and using blend modes in Photoshop. Finally, I show how the mirror image effect is achieved in Photoshop.

London, My Colorful London

I just returned from a flying trip to London - flying in that it was a quick trip, but flying in the more traditional sense as well. I have yet to get my husband on a cruise! I'm working on my Instagram feed this summer, so please consider following me @jennatwitsend to see all of my color pics from the trip! I've added an Instagram widget on the sidebar to keep you all up-to-date.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Oh, the Place You’ll Go

This week, the challenge is to....Photograph the Places You'll Go I know this challenge is a bit "out there". How can you possibly photograph places you've not been to!?...

Weekly Photo Challenge: Weathered

Weekly Photo Challenge: Weathered This week I've been back home visiting family and doing a bit of storm chasing - the midwest U.S. has had some wild weather! I've been driving around back roads and seeing some history amongst the nature. This week, the challenge is to.... Photograph Something Weathered

Lucky Light

When I posted the photo above of Jackson Falls, a comment made by one of my Facebook followers struck me. Paraphrased, he said that I was so lucky to find such good light. I wasn't sure how to respond to his comment. Yes, in some ways I was lucky in the weather and the lighting conditions I found when I hiked down to this waterfall, but the light he's responding to isn't just a matter of luck....

Weekly Photo Challenge: Falling Water

Weekly Photo Challenge: Photograph Falling Water I'm out photographing waterfalls this week. Spring's been wet and that, in my area, leads to waterfalls. I'm out in Shawnee National Forest hiking up and down trails to find these elusive waterfalls. By which I actually mean hiking down and then UP trails - it's the nature of waterfalls that they start "up there" and go "down there". To photograph them, I generally have to be at the bottom. Sigh....

Weekly Photo Challenge: Wheels

Weekly Photo Challenge: Photograph Wheels I was just photographing at a festival (Cinco de Mayo since you ask) and I have lots of ideas for future challenges that involve people, but since we just did a people challenge, let's go for something else that caught my attention during the parade. This week the challenge is to... Photograph Wheels