Weekly Photo Challenge: Oh, the Place You’ll Go

This week, the challenge is to....Photograph the Places You'll Go I know this challenge is a bit "out there". How can you possibly photograph places you've not been to!?...

India Travelogue: Varanasi

For the next few weeks, I'm posting a travelogue about my recent trip to India - my first on the sub-continent. We arrived in Varanasi as the sun was setting – not that one can tell in the ever-present haze. A car took us from the train to the nearest ghat (steps leading to the river) where the hotel’s boat picked us up. A boat ride at sunset was a great introduction to Varanasi!...

Weekly Photo Challenge: Eyes

This week's photo challenge is a focus etude -- Photograph Eyes. One exercise in the Focus section of my book 32 Photo Etudes is to focus on eyes. Whether you like to photograph people or animals, capturing the eyes are key. Our eyes go directly to any eyes in a photo, so it's important to practice getting a sharp focus where it counts.

India Travelogue: Allahabad

For the next few weeks, I'm posting a travelogue about my recent trip to India - my first on the sub-continent. We set off today on our 2nd railway journey in India, from Agra to Allahabad (or as it's known now, Prayagraj). Allahabad isn't really on the tourist map, we went there because that's where my husband was born.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Interesting Light

This week's photo challenge is a lighting etude. Photograph Interesting Light. Sometimes photographers look for a subject first – what we’re going to photograph - and forget to look for the light. Light is the medium of photographers – it is what we use to create photographs. Being able to see and use light is fundamental to photography....

India Travelogue: Delhi to Jaipur

For the next few weeks, I'm posting a travelogue about my recent trip to India - my first on the sub-continent. We've had some time in Delhi and our last is a travel day – our first journey by the legendary India Rail – but before we left the city, we had a bit more of the old city to explore before moving onto Jaipur.